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Our Guides [old]

A Guide to Equity Release


As the Equity Release sector and market continues to grow, more of your audience – your clients, prospects and professional connections – will be looking to explore this important subject in more detail. Having a guide in your branding to explain this will be of immense value to you.

This is a generic equity release guide taking your reader through all the main points, covering the issues and concerns and leading them towards your expertise as the ultimate solution.

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How to Invest in a Drawdown Pension


This guide outlines the various considerations your readers will need to make – with your help –around the investment structure of a Drawdown Plan. It will tally with your investment process and will provide compelling reasons why your expertise is so important in this arrangement.

The guide will be of use and great interest to anyone close to retirement, entering retirement and also those already retired running a drawdown plan.

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Pensions and Divorce


A guide to Pensions and Divorce is carefully written and presented to ensure clients can understand all the major points that need to be considered and weighed up with a pension in a divorce scenario.

Written as an overview, this is a guide which can be used with professional connections, existing clients and in your marketing in many different ways.

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How Financial Planning Helps You Manage Longevity Risk


The guide illustrates the incredible importance of structured financial planning in the process of dealing with this risk and how using a financial planner is one of the only sure fire ways of putting themselves in a better place.

You can have this guide with your branding applied and all your details attached, so that you can help your audience learn more about this subject.

To request further details and to obtain a copy of our explanatory PDF please click the link below

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Starting A Business – How Your Accountant Can Help You


This is a guide for accountants to use and promote to existing clients or potential clients looking to start their own businesses.

The guide outlines all the major considerations anyone thinking of, or in the early stages of, starting their own business has to tackle. It will provide a wonderful tick list of those considerations, with some helpful tips in each case.

To request further details and to obtain a copy of our explanatory PDF please click the link below

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A Guide To Cash Flow Financial Planning


This is a guide for those of you who use cash flow financial planning as a central part of your client proposition. It is not specific to any software, the guide explains the basic principles of cash flow planning and why it is such a wonderful exercise for anyone to pursue who is serious about their long-term future prospects.

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RNRB_CoverInheritance Tax – the Residence Nil Rate Band


This guide will explain to your audience how the new Residence Nil Rate Band (RNRB) will apply. It is written as an overview, outlining how a simple looking addition to the IHT rules actually has some complexity to it. More importantly it creates a significant ‘call to action’ – including a direct and supporting quote from the gov.uk HMRC web site – that this is an area which requires help from a qualified adviser.

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The Importance of Pension Fund Performance


This guide is published for your use to demonstrate the value pension fund performance has on the eventual pension pot. Using research from the market, the guide shows how much pension fund performance has differed from fund to fund in the same sector.


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The Inheritance Tax Planning Guide 2017


There is no better hook than IHT when it comes to marketing or communications, it has always been a contentious subject that rankles with millions of people. How do you communicate the issues and the solutions to hundreds of relevant people? Use a guide!

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A Guide to Income Drawdown


This is a non-technical guide aimed at any individual who needs help understanding Income Drawdown. This will include people close to retirement, at the point of retirement and those already in Drawdown. It will also work as an excellent guide for your professional connections.

To request further details and to obtain a copy of our explanatory PDF please click the link below

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Longevity_cover_3dThe Importance of Understanding Longevity When Planning Your Retirement


For us this guide is a departure from our normal “content-type”, we wanted to produce a guide which really told the reader something different and new, counter-intuitive, if you like. Allowing you to put well-informed and interesting information in front of your audience. We know that content of this type always gathers a positive reaction.

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Cover_of_Protect_Wealth_and_Money_3DA Guide to Wealth Protection


This is a non-technical guide aimed at helping individuals understand how to go about protecting their wealth and their long term futures. It covers basic life assurance and critical illness policies explaining how these remain the bedrock of financial planning i.e. that all individuals should make sure they are properly protected and insured.

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The Retirement Income Guide


There is no bigger market for advisers, financial intermediaries and accountants to develop than the retirement income market. This is a guide which is targeted directly at the millions of people who will be heading into retirement over the next few years and will be looking for advice about how to organise their income during this special stage of their lives.

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Sole Trader, Limited Company or Partnership?


This is a guide for those of you looking to help people in business, may be just starting out in business, who need to consider their business structure. The purpose of the guide is to position you, the accountant or financial planner, as the source of help for those people and businesses looking to weigh up their options


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Business_FP_3DFinancial Planning for Businesses


This is an unusual but highly popular guide because it produces a direct line between financial planning and people who run their own businesses. With over 5 million people now operating a business in the UK, with nearly all of these being SMEs, the financial overlap between the business and personal finances of this group is considerable.

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Long Term Care Research Report


A unique research report, first published in 2013, now updated to 2017, which suggests that 50,000 people in the UK may be missing out on NHS Continuing Healthcare.

This is an opportunity for leading Financial Planners and Financial Advisers to use this research under their own brand, to provide invaluable information to their clients and to attract significant new business flows.

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Blended_Retirement_Solutions_3DBlended Retirement Solutions


The new Pensions Freedom environment has changed the nature of pension planning; there are many implications and considerations for advisers and their clients. One trend in particular is accelerating – the idea that in many cases clients will seek to blend different solutions into their overall planning.

This guide explains how a blended solution would work, when it may be applicable and why it is something that should always be considered.

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AEC_Cover_3DThe Eight Key Workplace Pension Compliance Steps for Employers


As more and more employers reach their staging dates and the Auto-enrolment net spreads wider, the issue of compliance becomes more relevant.

The guide shows the eight key steps that need to be taken to ensure overall compliance, with further detail explaining the staging dates, the contribution amounts and the way this new Workplace Pension needs to be introduced.

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Cover_3DA Guide to the EIS


The EIS remains one of the stand out tax schemes available to investors; however it also presents a wonderful opportunity for company bosses to raise funds for their businesses.

The guide is published for your use under your own brand, as a top level explanation of how and why the EIS is such a powerful part of the tax planning landscape.

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The New Pension Freedom Rules


Advisers have been handed a golden opportunity to extend their expertise to help existing and new clients understand the seismic changes announced to pensions in 2014.

The guide is published for your use to demonstrate the value of your expertise and advice. It is written as an overview – explaining the main headlines, the considerations and how people need to think about the changing way they will have to go about their financial planning.

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CoverA Guide to Workplace Pensions


This guide is different to our auto-enrolment guides we produced at the end of 2013, because this is specifically written for the smaller Employer. It is an ideal guide for any Financial Planner or Accountant looking to provide their existing clients with a clear overview and understanding of the new legislation and how it will affect, when it will affect them and what they need to do.

*This guide now comes with an infographic for your use*

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T&T_PlanningTax and Trust Planning Guide


A unique guide, unlike any other we have previously produced, this is a guide that has been used successfully for some time by a leading firm of trust and tax planning specialists and we are now able to offer this on a white-labelled basis. This is a guide which supports any firm or individual looking to develop new business from existing clients and from professional connections.

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budget_coverThe 2014 Budget changes to pensions and ISAs


A guide which outlines the changes made to pensions and ISAs in the 2014 budget, explaining the financial planning implications and opportunities. Described as the most important changes in pension legislation for a generation, this is a guide which will help your clients and contacts understand how to approach the new landscape in front of them.

This is NOT a basic Budget summary, but a Financial Planning Guide on pensions and ISAs, focusing on how the choices and decisions available to people have changed as a consequence of the 2014 Budget.

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tax_year_cover3DThe End of the Tax Year Checklist and Financial Planning Guide


A guide aimed at helping clients and connections check off all the important end of the tax year planning opportunities.

Written in a concise format, this is a guide which is especially good for you to communicate quickly and widely to your existing clients.

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Benefits_of_IFA_BookThe Benefits of using an Independent Financial Adviser


This is a generic guide which positions independent financial advisers as the best possible source for financial planning help.

This is a perfect guide for any IFA looking to promote their brand and identity alongside their biggest market advantage – their independence.

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A Guide to Auto-Enrolment for Employers


Written as an overview of the new auto-enrolment rules, this is a guide targeting small business owners and directors (the key decision makers).

The guide focuses on the rules, how and when they will affect employers and emphasises the need for forward planning. It aims to get early interest even from those employers who will not be required to act for several years.

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A Guide to Auto-Enrolment for Employees


Written as an overview of the new auto-enrolment rules, this is a guide targeting any employee who will be affected.

The guide focuses on the rules, how and when they will affect employees and what employees can expect from their employer.

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How to invest for income in a low interest rate environment


A guide examining how investors can approach investing for income in an environment of low interest rates.

The guide includes a careful appraisal of the different income options investors have and explains how asset allocation techniques allow investors to seek out higher income levels whilst controlling the risk on their capital invested.

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