Micro Sites and Landing Pages​

For Financial Firms and IFAs.

Amplify your firm's digital impact with Independent Check's Microsite and Landing Page creations.

Harness AI precision to spotlight your financial expertise, attract the right clients, and convert leads with ease. Elevate your online presence—simply and effectively.

Why create and build a Micro Site or landing pages?

If you have a main site this will cover many things, such as your entire range of services, about you and so on.

A Micro Site allows you to focus on one subject or one thing, and promote this.

So, if you are an Adviser Firm, you might want to focus on Mortgages, Pension Consolidation, or Inheritance Tax.

If you are an accountant, you might want to cover Contractors, or a particular tax scheme or opportunity.

The Use Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The rapid development of AI tools allows you to instruct us to build you a Micro Site or landing page, or maybe even a series. We can use various AI tools to set this up, so that it has the best wording, the right call to action, the appropriate SEO, key words and links, and is placed to perfection in the line of sight of the maximum number of viewers searching (all AI generated).

So this is a way of generating more traffic, more enquiries, and from the exact target you want.

It drives new clients towards you.

It is focused, modern and easy to build, amend (based on results), measure and manage.

More and more firms are switching to the highly cost-effective nature of having sites or pages beyond their main site, and the AI functionality has made this a game changer.

If you wish to explore creating a Micro Site or building a landing page, and all that goes with that to get people to see it, then fill out the short form below and we will be in touch to discuss.
