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Why Financial Planning Works

“Why Financial Planning Works”

A short film explaining the multiple benefits of Financial Planning

As explained by leading financial experts

Are you an advocate of Financial Planning?

Do you want to be featured in this film?

We are currently developing a film or video all about Financial Planning, featuring  Financial Planners, IFAs and other financial experts explaining to the viewer why and how Financial Planning works.

The film will be  a high quality live production – cutting from questions on screen to the Financial Planners, IFAs etc. talking about all things related to the Financial Planning experience.

Each contributor will be interviewed and recorded  and from those recordings the film will be created to an end production.

The resulting movie will then be made available for each contributor to use freely and share with their clients and audience.

With full branding for your version, if you take part.

No-one can explain Financial Planning better than those who work with this every day. Capturing this into a short movie will really bring the subject to life

If you are interested in this development simply complete the short form below and we will be in touch to discuss.