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Employee Benefits

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This video explains Employee Benefits and is targeted at employers of any size.

It covers off the main employee benefits, including pensions, death-in-service, critical illness, income protection, private medical insurance and some of the other non-cash benefits that can be considered.

Salary Sacrifice is covered in some detail, as this is clearly going to be an important option for employers who wish to help their team offset some of the impending National Insurance increases.

The video is designed as an overview to attract employers to watch it and then seek out your advice and help from there.

By having this video in your branding, you can share it with contacts to help them understand more about how this works.

You may not consider Employee Benefits your natural territory, or an area you would typically advise on.

But this video will work for any IFA or Financial Planner, as the interest in this subject will increase in early 2022, as the National Insurance hike comes in.

Plus, more and more people wish to explore health insurance benefits through the workplace.

If you have employers as clients even with just a couple of employees the opportunity to discuss how you can help them structure pension, death in service and health-related benefits for their team has never been greater.

It’s a great way of getting new business and new clients and owner/managers of businesses tend to have serious personal financial planning requirements, as well.

To view this video please complete the enquiry form above and we will email you an unbranded version to view, so you can decide if you would like to order it in your branding.