Looking for a unique service where you get your business networking done for you?
If you are in business on your own account and want to explore using the 121BusinessNetwork to provide you with introductions to other businesses and business people then this is for you.
Business Networking – with a difference……………….
You want new contacts, new connections, people and businesses you can work with, get to know and ultimately do business with.
That’s why you go to networking meetings or have an online social media networking presence. Makes sense.
But these methods – however effective – still have some drawbacks:
TIME – you have to get to a networking event, possibly regularly, maybe early in the day. It can take loads of time to develop one or two contacts.
COMPETING IN THE CROWD – you may have to circulate amongst a crowd of people all looking for the same thing at the same time; you have to try and find your contacts within the crowd.
TRAWLING – you may have to meet a lot of people to get effective connections.
YOU HAVE TO DO THE LEGWORK – it’s probably down to you to make your networking WORK for you. You have to do it for yourself. There is no concierge service for people who want effective networking outcomes. To get such an outcome requires hard graft.
This is where we come in – because ours is a networking ‘concierge’ service. A business network which is based on the simple ethos:
“Where we do the networking for you”
You sign up (for free) and when you do so:
> You tell us about you and your business
> Who, ideally, you want to meet
> And why
Then we will network you into new contacts and connections. You get to meet one new contact at a time, but effective contacts, who want to meet you, just as you want to meet them.
How to find out more:
Please complete this short form and you will get a direct contact from 121BusinessNetwork to take you through exactly how this works