How does it feel to get beyond the typical human condition?
Before we go to the answer, let’s begin by summarising the typical human condition.
It is where an individual is low-level awareness, heavily programmed and conditioned, incoherent and unaligned.
This does NOT mean the individual is particularly unhappy, or lost or stuck. It does NOT mean the individual is unsuccessful as measured by conventional ideas of success/failure.
Although, some or all of those may be true.
It means that the individual has not moved beyond the typical human condition, and their happiness and success is despite this, achieved on the back of good fortune or immense effort.
Now, there are many reasons why people may wish to go beyond this, including those who are happy or successful.
And, of course, for those who are struggling or suffering, in whatever way, there are serious reasons why they may wish to go beyond.
The typical human condition arises because of the way the human system evolves, and has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. No-one chooses this, no-one even chose to be born. Let alone their circumstances once born, and every human is infused with the exact same biological and chemical development that leads to the typical human condition.
This system and conditioning is imposed. The only question is do we understand this? And most people will die never realising this fully.
Realising it is one thing, doing something about it is another.
To do something about it, we need to transform and this means moving from our current state of being, in the typical human condition, to a new state of being, which we call superhuman.
That is the same thing we describe as moving from old self to new self.
We go beyond ourselves. Creating a new self.
This means we have to tear up the familiar and the known.
This is the act or practice or work of transformation.
One aspect of this, which is a discovery every person makes when they come to this, is that your mind and your body are not separate. This is a form of non-duality, but most people don’t understand a particular nuance of this.
Your body is your mind.
What this means is that your body is infused with the habits and patterns of the mind.
“Mind” is a description of your brain activities, and the way your system works, the combined physical workings of “you” involves complex energy transference from parts of the system to other parts.
Our typical misunderstanding is to relate ourselves to our thoughts, our thinking self, but that is just one part of the system.
Ironically, that part, the thoughts part, is often quite keen to change, to explore, to look into the unfamiliar and the unknown. We are curious beings, so this is a natural state.
Likewise, we enjoy imagining, daydreaming and desiring, say, craving for a better life or circumstances.
However, because our mind is also our body, we have a problem, as our body is so heavily automated and conditioned, and is largely unconscious. Hence the terms the unconscious mind and the subconscious mind.
This means our body develops familiar patterns, and these become our behaviours and habits, our beliefs and our state of being, because the balance between this type of mind, and the thinking mind, in operational terms is estimated to be 95/5.
That is one quantification, another is the estimate that in various ways the subconscious is over one thousand times bigger or more powerful than the conscious mind.
You probably consider that your habits, behaviours and beliefs are ones you have consciously developed and employ. They are not, they come from your subconscious, which has evolved, is conditioned and is unconscious. As such, they come from your body, or put another way the “mind” of your body. This is a crazy but essential discovery to make, leading to a sensational realisation.
So, whilst we might think about change, improvement, about our ambitions and so on, we have a body that is set to keep on its known pathway, and to stick to its familiar patterns.
This is the programming we refer to.
To get beyond this, and so to change it, we have to force our body to get into unfamiliar patterns and to enter the unknown.
This means we have to alter its framework or points of reference, changing the reliable programmes it has got used to.
So, we teach it new things, such as new ways to transfer energy back and forward, introducing new energy frequencies, we ‘instruct’ it to produce new levels of hormones, to signal genes differently, to react to events and people differently.
This is done through a comprehensive combination of practices, for example by activating the energy centres within our body, through meditation practices, through conscious application of new types of thought patterns, through methods to raise our awareness, through trust, gratitude, visualisation, affirmation, journalling and more. We have to learn how to align and to generate flow, or complete coherence.
The discovery that your body is your mind changes the approach, as we start to realise that we cannot think our way to total change. We have to reprogramme the system.
When we go beyond we know we are making progress when we start to feel the unfamiliar, which may make us feel bad for a short while, and when we are operating in – or with – the unknown. This can be desperately difficult because our unconscious self, which is most of our current self, will not want this, and will try to drag us back to the familiar or known.
We cross the Rubicon – and once we do, we are beyond, at a wonderful point, where we have achieved the transformation. That crossing can be difficult, painful even, mentally challenging but once we get to the other side, we are in a different place, with a new self, and then your life experience is immense, beyond anything old self could even imagine. That is when you are superhuman. You are above (or beyond) the typical human condition.
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