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Pension Consolidation

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Millions of people across the UK have past pensions accumulated, often a rag bag of different plans which have no link to one another. This video explains both the concept of pension consolidation, plus the benefits of doing so. It balances this by also looking at the potential disadvantages and how individuals can weigh up whether to consolidate into one plan. The basic answer lies in them seeking expert help i.e. your help as the considerations can be tricky, which emphasises the benefit of seeking advice.

The video includes:

  • Outlining the advantages and disadvantages
  • How pension consolidation makes things clearer and easier to manage
  • Why improvements in the strategy can pay handsome rewards in the long-term
  • How to go about exploring this further
  • The benefit of taking advice

To see the video and to learn how to get a copy that you can use on your website, in presentations, on social media, face-to-face and via email – please complete the short form above and we will send you everything you need.